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Adds an event listener to the instance of the Card element. The output of the events will look something like this:

"type": "cardBrandChanged",
"detail": {
"cardBrand": "masterCard",
"currentState": {
"hasErrorClass": false,
"hasFocusClass": true,
"isCompletelyValid": false,
"isEmpty": false,
"isPotentiallyValid": true
"eventType": "cardBrandChanged",
"field": "cardNumber",
"previousState": {
"hasErrorClass": false,
"hasFocusClass": true,
"isCompletelyValid": false,
"isEmpty": true,
"isPotentiallyValid": true


Callback function that is called when the payment form detected a new likely credit card brand based on the card number.


Callback function that is called when a form field has an invalid value, and the corresponding error CSS class was added to the element.


Callback function that is called when an invalid value on a form field was corrected, and the corresponding error CSS class was removed from the element.


Callback function that is called when the user pressed the Escape key while editing a field.


Callback function that is called when a form field gained focus, and the corresponding focus CSS class was added to the element


Callback function that is called when a form field lost focus, and the corresponding focus CSS class was removed from the element


Callback function that is called when the current value of the postal code form field changed.


Callback function that is called when the user has triggered submission of the form by pressing "Enter" while editing a field.